Sad Puns


  • I'm reading a book on anti-gravity, it's impossible to put down, just like my ex.
  • My love life is like a broken pencil, pointless.
  • I told my partner I needed space, and they took that literally... now I'm orbiting Jupiter.
  • Why did the skeleton go to the breakup? He didn’t have the guts to stay.
  • I asked my heart if it was okay, but it just broke into a song.
  • Love is like a deck of cards, I always end up with a joker.
  • My love life is a fruit, and it’s just a bunch of rotten bananas.
  • I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough for my love life.
  • Every time I fall in love, I seem to trip over my own heart.
  • Why did the couple go to therapy? They were feeling a little 'un-happy'.
  • My heart is like a balloon, it keeps floating away... and I can't find the string.
  • Can February March? No, but my heart can break.
  • I wrote a song about my breakup, but it was just a sad 'tune'.
  • Why did the man bring a ladder to his breakup? He wanted to take his love to new heights.
  • I told my heart to take it easy, but it just beats faster.
  • I tried to catch a falling star, but it just reminded me of my falling heart.
  • My relationship was like a train wreck, I saw it coming but couldn't look away.
  • I wanted to be a doctor, but my heart just wasn't in it anymore.
  • Every time I get close to love, I feel like I'm one step away from a cliff.
  • I asked my heart for advice, and it just gave me a flat 'no'.
  • Love is like a plant, sometimes it just needs a little more 'water'... or a 'better pot'.


  • I'm on a seafood diet, I see food and I eat alone.
  • Why did the lonely computer break up? It had too many bytes and not enough connections.
  • I used to have a job at a calendar factory, but I got fired for taking a day off... alone.
  • I tried to start a dating service for chickens, but they always ended up being 'egg-sclusive'.
  • Why did the introvert bring a ladder to the bar? To reach new heights of solitude.
  • Being alone is like being on a deserted island, except I have Wi-Fi.
  • My only friend is a ghost, and even he won't show up sometimes.
  • Why did the lonely pencil break? It couldn’t find its point.
  • I thought I found my soulmate, but it turns out they were just a figment of my imagination.
  • I told my sofa we were in a committed relationship, but it never replied.
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, including my loneliness.
  • I went to a restaurant and ordered a table for one, but they seated me with the 'other half'.
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field... alone.
  • I read a book about loneliness, but it was just one long chapter of 'me'.
  • Why don't lonely people play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding if no one’s seeking.
  • I tried to form a band with my shadow, but it just kept following me around.
  • Being alone is like a software update, I keep hoping it will get better, but it never does.
  • Why did the lonely man go to the beach? To catch some waves of solitude.
  • I tried to build a time machine to escape my loneliness, but I just ended up back where I started.
  • I wanted to join a gym, but I couldn't find a spot for a one-man show.
  • Why do lonely people bring a ladder to the bar? They heard the drinks were on the house.


  • I lost my job at the bank... I just couldn't check my balance.
  • Why did the man bring a ladder to the funeral? To reach new heights of sadness.
  • My pet rock passed away, but at least it died in 'peace'.
  • I used to have a job cleaning mirrors, but I just couldn't see myself doing it anymore.
  • Why don’t graveyards have Wi-Fi? Because people are just dying to get in.
  • I lost my job as a magician, but I still make my problems disappear... sometimes.
  • Why did the musician get kicked out of the band? He couldn't keep his 'composure' after the loss.
  • I tried to start a recycling business, but it just fell apart like my last relationship.
  • I lost my voice at the karaoke bar, but it was just a matter of 'pitch' and 'tune'.
  • Why was the cemetery so crowded? Everyone was just 'dying' to get in.
  • I lost my last piece of chocolate, but that just 'crumbled' my heart.
  • Why don’t we ever tell secrets on a farm? Because the potatoes have eyes, but mine are filled with tears.
  • I told my therapist I lost my sense of direction... she told me to find my way back to happiness.
  • Why did the library close down? They lost their 'book' of customers.
  • I lost my sense of smell, but at least I still have a 'nose' for trouble.
  • I lost my watch and my sense of time, but now I'm just 'timeless'.
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing, and it 'knew' it was going to be lost to the plate.
  • I lost my phone, but I didn't lose my connection... just my sanity.
  • Why did the ghost break up with his girlfriend? He just couldn't handle the emotional 'drain'.
  • I lost my keys, but I guess it's just another way of opening up to new opportunities.
  • Why did the baker go to therapy? He kneaded to work through his 'loss'.


  • I regret eating that last slice of pizza, now it’s a real 'slice' of my past.
  • Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged, and now it regrets not being 'grounds' for safety.
  • I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so sure… and I regret that.
  • Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side... where the grass is always greener in hindsight.
  • I regret not taking that bus, now I’m just 'driving' myself crazy.
  • I regret not studying for my test, but my grades are just a 'reflection' of my choices.
  • Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one, but now he regrets it.
  • I told my friend I regretted buying that fruit basket, but he said it was just 'peeling' my layers.
  • Why did the man bring a pencil to bed? He wanted to draw his dreams, but now he regrets the mess.
  • I regret not investing in stocks, now I’m just 'broke' on options.
  • Why was the computer cold? It left its 'Windows' open, and now it regrets it.
  • I used to regret everything until I realized it was just a 'learning curve'.
  • Why did the baker regret his job? Because he couldn't handle the 'bread' of responsibilities.
  • I regret not telling my plant to grow, but it just 'leafed' me hanging.
  • Why did the bicycle fall over? It was two-tired of regret.
  • I regret not going to the gym... now I’m just 'weighing' my options.
  • Why did the scarecrow get promoted? Because he was outstanding in his field, but still regretted the crows.
  • I regret not keeping a diary, but now my memories are just 'pages' of regret.
  • Why did the tomato turn to the other side? Because it saw the salad dressing, and now it regrets its choice.
  • I regret not taking the road less traveled, but it was just a 'detour' to my destiny.
  • Why did the man stare at the can of orange soda? Because he was trying to 'concentrate' on his regrets.

Unrequited Love

  • I asked my crush if we could be friends, but she said I was a 'bit too needy'.
  • Why did the girl bring a ladder to the date? She heard love has its ups and downs.
  • My love life is like a black hole, it just keeps sucking me in but never gives anything back.
  • I told my crush I liked her, but she just 'brushed' me off like a piece of lint.
  • Why did the boy break up with his girlfriend? He found her too 'clingy'... like a burrito.
  • I wrote a love letter, but it ended up being a 'draft' of my sadness.
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms in love? Because they make up everything, including false hope.
  • I tried to impress my crush with a joke, but she just rolled her eyes... and I rolled my heart away.
  • Why did the boy bring a pencil to the date? He wanted to draw closer, but she just said it was 'pointless'.
  • I fell for someone who didn't catch me, now I’m just 'falling' apart.
  • Why did the musician get rejected? He couldn't find the right 'key' to her heart.
  • I told my crush I’d serenade her, but she said she was 'tone deaf' to my feelings.
  • Why did the girl invite a ladder to the party? She was looking for someone to help her reach her dreams, but ended up alone.
  • I asked my crush out, but she said she was already 'booked'.
  • Why did the calendar break up? It felt like it was running out of 'dates'.
  • I told my crush she was a 'dream', but she said I was just 'daydreaming'.
  • Why was the broom late to the date? It swept her off her feet but couldn't keep up.
  • I wrote a poem about my crush, but it ended up being a 'lyric' of despair.
  • Why did the computer go to therapy? It couldn’t handle the rejection from its crush.
  • I tried to cook a romantic dinner, but it just 'burned' my hopes.
  • Why did the ghost break up with his girlfriend? She just didn’t have the 'spirit' for unrequited love.