Printing Puns

Ink Puns

  • I'm feeling ink-credible today!
  • Ink-credible things happen when you print.
  • Don't worry, be ink-spirational!
  • Ink me up, Scotty!
  • It's a real ink-sperience.
  • Ink-vision your future.
  • You make my heart ink faster.
  • This is an ink-credible opportunity!
  • Ink-telligent designs only.
  • I'm inky-pendently wealthy!
  • Ink-quire within.
  • Let’s ink the deal!
  • Ink and let die.
  • Ink-spiration is everywhere.
  • You’ve got to be ink-sane!
  • Ink-tuition is key.
  • Stay calm and ink on.
  • That’s ink-credible news!
  • Ink-ognito mode activated.
  • Ink-credible journey ahead!
  • Ink-citing times ahead!
  • Ink-tact me for more info.

Paper Puns

  • I'm on a roll with this paper!
  • This paper is tear-iffic!
  • You’re my paper-mate!
  • Let’s get papered up!
  • Paper planes are my favorite flight.
  • I’m feeling a bit papered over.
  • Life’s a paper chase!
  • Don't leaf me hanging.
  • I’m just trying to keep it on paper.
  • This is a paper jam!
  • I’ve got a paper cut, but I’m still sharp!
  • You can’t judge a book by its paper.
  • It’s a paper-thin line.
  • I’m papering over the cracks.
  • Paper back to the future.
  • Just paper it over!
  • I’m in a paper state of mind.
  • Paper, rock, scissors – you lose!
  • That’s a wrap on this paper.
  • You’ve got to be papering me!
  • It's all about that paper trail.
  • I’m papering for a friend.

Printing Process Puns

  • Let’s press on with this!
  • Keep calm and print on.
  • I’m feeling the print-tensity.
  • Don’t stop the press!
  • This is a print-stantial moment.
  • Pressing matters are at hand.
  • I can’t print this out of my mind.
  • That’s a print-tastic idea!
  • Print it out loud!
  • Print and repeat.
  • I’m in a print-rific mood!
  • I can’t believe it’s not print!
  • Press for success!
  • This is a print-ceptional task.
  • I’m on a print-venture!
  • You’ve got to print your own path.
  • Time to print the truth!
  • Let’s make this print-sational!
  • I’m just printing my way through life.
  • The print is mightier than the sword.
  • Let’s get this print party started!
  • That’s print-credible work!

Graphic Design Puns

  • I’m feeling graphic-ally inclined.
  • Designing my way to happiness.
  • Let’s get graphic about this!
  • It’s a graphic design affair.
  • I can’t believe it’s not graphic!
  • You’re drawing me in!
  • I’m a fan of graphic novels.
  • This design is a real draw!
  • I’m graphically challenged.
  • Don’t let your designs go to waste.
  • That’s a graphic representation of fun!
  • You’ve got great design sense!
  • Life’s too short for bad graphics.
  • Let’s sketch this out.
  • You’re a design star!
  • This could use a graphic touch.
  • I’m feeling quite artistic today!
  • Let’s make this design pop!
  • Design is in the details.
  • I’m not just graphic, I’m fantastic!
  • You’re my design muse.
  • This design is simply graphic-ulous!

Color Puns

  • I'm seeing the world in full color!
  • Color me impressed!
  • It's a colorful situation.
  • I’m feeling blue, but in a good way!
  • Let’s paint the town red!
  • You’re my true color!
  • Life is too short to be monochrome.
  • I’m not just black and white.
  • Color outside the lines!
  • This is a real color clash!
  • I’m tickled pink by this.
  • You’ve got to color me happy!
  • Keep your colors bright!
  • I’m feeling a bit green today.
  • That’s a colorful idea!
  • Add a splash of color!
  • You’re the color of my dreams.
  • Let’s get colorful!
  • This is a hue-mazing moment!
  • I’m colorfully challenged!
  • Let’s brush up on our colors.
  • I’m in a colorful mood!