Prehistoric Puns

Dinosaur Delights

  • Why don't dinosaurs drive cars? Because they're extinct!
  • What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus!
  • Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because the chicken wasn't born yet!
  • What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? A dino-snore!
  • Why was the dinosaur a great musician? Because he had a prehistoric talent!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that knows a lot of words? A clever-saurus!
  • Why did the T-Rex eat the lamp? He was a little light-headed!
  • How do you ask a dinosaur to lunch? Tea-Rex!
  • What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? A do-you-think-he-saurus!
  • Why do dinosaurs never get lost? Because they always follow their dino-map!
  • What do you get when a dinosaur crashes a car? Tyrannosaurus wrecks!
  • How do you know if there’s a dinosaur in your refrigerator? The door won’t close!
  • Why did the dinosaur sit on an egg? He wanted to be a dino-mom!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that likes to play with fire? A dino-mite!
  • Why was the dinosaur so good at math? He was a T-Rex-pert!
  • What did the dinosaur say when he saw the volcano? Lava you too!
  • Why did the dinosaur refuse to play cards? Because he was afraid of cheetahs!
  • What did the dino say to the other dino? 'I’m dino-sore!'
  • Why did the little dinosaur break up with his girlfriend? She was dino-sore!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that loves to take baths? A clean-o-saurus!
  • Why was the dinosaur so excited? He just got a new dino-mation!

Stone Age Shenanigans

  • Why don't cavemen use email? Because they can't find the right stone!
  • What do you call a caveman's favorite music? Rock 'n' roll!
  • Why did the caveman take a bath? He wanted to be a clean-cut stone age man!
  • How did the caveman start his day? With a rock-solid breakfast!
  • What do you call a caveman's favorite dessert? Cave-cream!
  • Why did the cavewoman break up with the caveman? He was too boulder!
  • What did the caveman say when he invented fire? 'I'm on fire!'
  • How do you throw a cave party? You dino-mite it!
  • What did the caveman use to write? A stone tablet!
  • Why was the caveman a terrible comedian? His jokes were too stony!
  • What’s a caveman’s favorite exercise? Rock climbing!
  • Why did the caveman get a job in tech? He was great at stone-age programming!
  • How do you impress a caveman? Show him your rock collection!
  • Why did the caveman become a chef? He mastered the art of stone cooking!
  • What did the caveman say to his friend? 'You're looking quite boulder today!'
  • What’s a caveman’s favorite drink? Rock lemonade!
  • Why did the caveman bring a ladder to the bar? He heard the drinks were on the house!
  • What do you call a caveman who tells tall tales? A stone-faced liar!
  • Why did the caveman win the argument? He had the rock-solid evidence!
  • What did the caveman say about his new car? 'It's a real rockstar!'
  • Why was the caveman so calm? Because he learned to take it one rock at a time!

Fossil Fuel Fun

  • Why don't fossils ever get lost? They always have a good track record!
  • What do you call a fossil that tells jokes? A pun-derful specimen!
  • Why did the fossil break up with its partner? They were too fossilized in their ways!
  • What did the paleontologist say to the fossil? 'I dig you!'
  • Why are fossils so good at telling stories? Because they have a lot of history!
  • What do you call a fossil that can't stop singing? A rock star!
  • Why did the fossil go to school? To improve its 'skele-tion' skills!
  • How do fossils stay in shape? They do 'rock' aerobics!
  • What did the fossil say when it won the lottery? 'This could be a life-changing 'dig'!'
  • Why are fossils bad at poker? They always show their hands!
  • What do you call a fossil that loves math? A calc-u-lator!
  • Why did the fossil start a blog? To share its 'paleo' perspective!
  • What do you call a fossil that tells tall tales? A fib-ber!
  • Why did the fossil become a motivational speaker? It wanted to inspire others to dig deep!
  • What’s a fossil’s favorite game? Rock, paper, scissors!
  • Why did the fossil get kicked out of the party? It was too clingy!
  • What do you call a fossil that loves to dance? A fossil-ella!
  • Why did the fossil join a band? It wanted to rock out!
  • What’s a fossil’s favorite dessert? Fossilized cake!
  • Why was the fossil so popular? It was a classic!
  • What do you call a fossil that loves to travel? A globe-trotter!

Mammoth Mischief

  • Why did the mammoth bring a suitcase? Because it was going on a mammoth journey!
  • What do you call a mammoth that tells jokes? A humerus mammoth!
  • Why was the mammoth such a good friend? Because it was always there for a woolly good time!
  • What did the mammoth say when it lost a game? 'This is a mammoth disappointment!'
  • How do mammoths stay warm? They wear a lot of 'fur-tastic' outfits!
  • What do you call a mammoth that loves to sing? A 'mammoth-ician'!
  • Why did the mammoth start a band? It wanted to play 'rock-umentary' music!
  • What did the mammoth say to the other mammoths? 'Let's stick together, we're a woolly family!'
  • Why did the mammoth always carry a pencil? In case it needed to draw on its 'mammoth' experience!
  • What do you call a mammoth that loves to read? A 'mammoth' bookworm!
  • Why did the mammoth get a job? To earn a 'woolly' good salary!
  • What’s a mammoth’s favorite type of music? Ice age rock!
  • What did the mammoth say when it got complimented? 'Thanks, I'm a woolly good specimen!'
  • Why did the mammoth go to school? To improve its 'mammoth' knowledge!
  • What do you call a mammoth that loves to cook? A chef-ice age!
  • Why was the mammoth so good at sports? Because it had 'mammoth'-ive strength!
  • What do you call a mammoth in the gym? A 'mammoth' muscle!
  • Why did the mammoth get invited to all the parties? Because it knew how to 'mammoth' it up!
  • What’s a mammoth's favorite game? Ice age charades!
  • Why did the mammoth start a blog? To share its 'woolly' adventures!
  • What do you call a mammoth that loves to paint? A 'mammoth'-rist!

Cretaceous Comedy

  • Why did the Cretaceous dinosaur bring a ladder? To reach the high 'dino' notes!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that tells puns? A 'pun-ny' saurus!
  • Why was the Cretaceous period so popular? Because it was dino-mite!
  • What did the dinosaur say at the comedy club? 'I'm here to bring the dino-laughter!'
  • Why did the T-Rex fail at stand-up? Because he couldn't handle the 'roar' of laughter!
  • What do you call a dinosaur comedian? A 'laugh-osaurs'!
  • Why did the dinosaur get kicked out of the party? He was too dino-sore!
  • What’s a dinosaur's favorite type of joke? A 'roar'-ing good one!
  • Why did the dinosaur sit on the egg? He wanted to crack everyone up!
  • How do dinosaurs send messages? Through dino-mail!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that loves to dance? A 'jive-raptor'!
  • Why did the dinosaur go to therapy? To work on its 'roar-issues'!
  • What’s a dinosaur’s favorite instrument? The dino-clarinet!
  • Why don't dinosaurs ever play hide and seek? Because they always get caught in the 'roar'!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that loves to tell stories? A 'tale-raptor'!
  • Why did the dinosaur bring a pencil to bed? In case it had a 'dino-mite' idea!
  • What do you call a dinosaur with a great sense of humor? A 'fun-raptor'!
  • Why did the dinosaur break up with his girlfriend? She found him 'prehistoric'!
  • What’s a dinosaur’s favorite movie genre? 'Roar'-mantic comedies!
  • Why did the dinosaur get a promotion? Because it was a 'dino-saur' of hard work!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that loves to cook? A 'chef-raptor'!