Orchestra Puns

String Instruments

  • I can't believe it’s not viola!
  • Why did the cello break up with the violin? It found someone more bass-ic.
  • I'm feeling a little stringy today.
  • What did the string say to the bow? 'You really know how to pull my strings!'
  • Why did the musician bring a ladder? To reach the high notes!
  • Cellists are just a bit cello-ss.
  • Strings attached? Only if they’re on my violin!
  • I've got a string of bad puns.
  • Violinists are always in tune with their emotions.
  • I tried to string together a good joke, but it just fell flat.
  • A violinist’s favorite type of candy? Fiddler's Fudge!
  • What do you call a string player who breaks up? A solo artist.
  • I told my friend I was going to string them along. They didn’t take it lightly!
  • Why did the musician get kicked out of school? Too many strings attached!
  • I always feel like I’m being strung along when I listen to orchestras.
  • It’s hard to find the right string for every occasion.
  • A great performance always has its ups and downs... just like a string.
  • I got into a row with a string player. We had a real tension!
  • String players really know how to bow down to their audience.
  • Why are string instruments good at making decisions? They can always find the right pitch!
  • What do you call a string player who tells bad jokes? A pun-derful musician!

Brass Instruments

  • I heard the trombone is the best at blowing its own trumpet!
  • Why did the trumpet player get kicked out? He couldn’t handle the brass.
  • What do you call a brass player in a suit? A polished performer!
  • I’m really going to blow you away with my brass puns!
  • Why are trumpets so good at telling secrets? They know how to keep it under wraps.
  • I’m feeling a little brass-y today.
  • What did the tuba say to the trumpet? 'You’re just too high-strung!'
  • Did you hear about the brass band that got lost? They really couldn’t find their way back to the roots.
  • Why did the French horn always get the last word? It’s a little horn-y!
  • I tried to play my trombone, but it just slid away!
  • What’s a brass player’s favorite exercise? Blowing hot and cold!
  • Why are brass players great at parties? They know how to make a big entrance!
  • When life gives you lemons, just brass it up!
  • Why did the brass section always win? They had great instruments of persuasion.
  • What do you call a trumpet player who can’t play the right notes? A brass failure!
  • Brass players never get tired; they just get re-tuned!
  • What do you call a group of brass musicians? A brass-tastic ensemble!
  • Why did the tuba break up with the trumpet? Too much blowback!
  • I told my friend to brass up and be confident!
  • Why do brass instruments make such great friends? They always know when to blow off steam!
  • What do you call a really loud brass band? A noise pollution!

Woodwind Instruments

  • Why did the clarinet break up with the flute? Too many woodwind issues.
  • What do you call a woodwind player who can’t stop talking? A babble flute!
  • I'm feeling a little reed-y today!
  • Why don’t woodwind players ever get lost? They always follow their breath!
  • What did the oboe say to the clarinet? 'You’re really blowing me away!'
  • Why do woodwinds make great detectives? They always get to the root of the problem.
  • What do you call a saxophonist who tells bad jokes? A pun-derful player!
  • I tried to play the flute, but I just couldn’t find my wind!
  • Why are woodwind players so good at math? They know how to measure their breaths!
  • What do you call a lazy flute? A toot-and-snooze!
  • Why did the bassoon join a gym? It wanted to get in shape for the next pitch!
  • I asked the clarinet how it felt. It said, 'Just reed between the lines.'
  • What did the flute say to the trumpet? 'You’re all about that brass, aren’t you?'
  • Why did the woodwind section always win? They had all the right notes!
  • I think I’m falling for woodwinds; it’s all just a breeze!
  • What do you call a woodwind musician who can’t find their way? A lost reed!
  • I told my friend to flute me a favor!
  • Why did the woodwind player get kicked out? They were too high-pitched!
  • What’s a woodwind player’s favorite game? Reed-venture!
  • I tried to catch a woodwind player’s attention, but they were too busy blowing off steam.
  • What do you call a group of woodwinds? A reed-iculous ensemble!

Percussion Instruments

  • I’m just going to drum up some fun!
  • Why did the drummer bring a ladder? To reach the high notes!
  • What do you call a percussionist who can’t keep a rhythm? A beat dropper!
  • I told my friend I was going to tap dance... they just rolled their eyes.
  • Why did the cymbal break up with the drum? Too much crashing!
  • I have a lot of respect for percussionists; they always keep it in tempo!
  • What do you call a drum that tells jokes? A pun-derful percussion!
  • When life gets tough, just keep drumming up positivity!
  • Why do percussionists always get invited to parties? They know how to hit the right notes!
  • What do you call a percussionist who can’t play? A beatless wonder!
  • I tried to start a band with my pots and pans... but it just didn’t have the right rhythm!
  • Why are drummers great at building? They really know how to hammer things out!
  • What do you call a quiet drummer? A drum roll!
  • I asked the percussionist why they were always late; they said they were just beating around the bush.
  • Why did the tambourine get kicked out? It was too jingly!
  • I told my friends I’d beat the odds... they just laughed!
  • What do you call a drummer with half a brain? Gifted!
  • Why did the percussionist break up? They couldn’t find common ground!
  • What’s a percussionist’s favorite fruit? A drumstick!
  • I tried to make a joke about drums, but it fell flat!
  • What do you call a percussion section that tells jokes? A pun-derful ensemble!


  • Why did the conductor break up with the orchestra? They just couldn't find common time!
  • What do you call a conductor who can’t stop talking? A baton chatter!
  • I’m just going to conduct myself with dignity!
  • Why did the conductor always carry a pencil? To draw attention!
  • What did the orchestra say to the conductor? 'You really know how to lead us!'
  • Why are conductors great at parties? They know how to get everyone in sync!
  • I told my friend they should become a conductor; they really have a knack for leading!
  • What do you call a conductor who tells bad jokes? A pun-ductor!
  • Why did the conductor always win arguments? They had the final say!
  • What do you call a conductor who loves to cook? A baton chef!
  • What’s a conductor’s favorite game? Lead the way!
  • I asked the conductor for a tip; they said, 'Just follow my lead!'
  • Why did the conductor get kicked out? Too much baton swinging!
  • I think I’m falling for conducting; it’s all just a wave!
  • What do you call a conductor who can’t find their way? A lost baton!
  • I told my friend they should conduct themselves better!
  • Why do conductors make great friends? They always know how to keep the harmony!
  • What do you call a conductor at the beach? A wave master!
  • I tried to start a band with my friends, but we couldn’t find a conductor!
  • What do you call a conductor who tells great stories? A leading narrator!
  • Why did the conductor bring a suitcase? They were ready for a grand tour!