Native American Mythology Puns

Animal Spirits

  • What did the bear say when he heard a joke? It was un-bear-lievable!
  • Why did the wolf always win arguments? He had a howling good point!
  • What do you call a wise old owl? A real hoot!
  • Why did the deer bring a ladder? To reach new heights!
  • What did the fox say when he was complimented? 'Oh, stop it, you’re making me blush!'
  • Why was the crow so good at sports? He always had the best caw-ordination!
  • What did the rabbit say at the party? 'This is un-fur-gettable!'
  • Why did the coyote start a band? He had the perfect howl!
  • What did the eagle say when he got a promotion? 'I’m on top of the world!'
  • Why was the raccoon so good at poker? He always had a good hand!
  • What did the salmon say when it won the race? 'I’m hooked on winning!'
  • Why did the bison join a gym? He wanted to beef up!
  • What’s a snake’s favorite dance? The hiss-terical shuffle!
  • Why did the owl get a job? He wanted to earn a little hoot-money!
  • What did the turtle say to the hare? 'I may be slow, but I'm shell-shocked by your speed!'
  • Why did the parrot get promoted? He was outstanding in his field!
  • What did the moose say to the squirrel? 'Stop being so nutty!'
  • Why did the fish blush? It saw the ocean's bottom!
  • What did the antelope say about the party? 'It was a leap of faith!'
  • Why did the pelican get kicked out of the bar? He had a big bill!
  • What did the sea turtle say to the crab? 'Stop being so shellfish!'

Creation Myths

  • Why did the Creator break up with the Earth? It needed space!
  • What’s a deity’s favorite type of music? Rock and roll, because they created it!
  • Why don’t gods tell secrets? Because they might create a rumor!
  • What did the universe say to the Big Bang? 'You really know how to make an entrance!'
  • Why did the stars always get invited to parties? They were stellar guests!
  • What did the wind say to the mountains? 'You rock my world!'
  • Why did the river break up with the lake? They were just too shallow!
  • What’s a mythological creature’s favorite game? Hide and seek, because they love to be elusive!
  • Why did the sun apply for a job? It wanted to shine in the workplace!
  • What do you call a god who loves to garden? A deity with green thumbs!
  • Why did the earth start a band? It had great rock formations!
  • What did the moon say to the sun? 'You light up my life!'
  • Why did the forest get promoted? It was always branching out!
  • What do you call a deity that loves to cook? A god of thyme!
  • Why did the ocean apply for a job? It wanted to make waves in the workplace!
  • What did the mountain say to the valley? 'I’m really high on life!'
  • Why don’t clouds ever get lost? They follow their own path!
  • What do you call a mythological creature who tells jokes? A pun-derful being!
  • Why did the comet break up with the asteroid? It needed more space!
  • What did the earth say to the sky? 'I’m just trying to rise to the occasion!'
  • Why did the volcano join the choir? It had a blast singing!

Legendary Heroes

  • Why did the hero break up with his girlfriend? She was too much of a damsel!
  • What did the legendary hero say to his sidekick? 'You’re my best paladin!'
  • Why did the hero always carry a pencil? To draw his sword!
  • What do you call a lazy hero? A super slacker!
  • Why did the hero start a bakery? He kneaded the dough!
  • What did the hero say to the villain? 'You’re just a little too shady!'
  • Why did the hero bring a ladder? To reach new heights of bravery!
  • What do you call a hero who tells bad jokes? A pun-derful warrior!
  • Why did the hero love math? He was good with figures and problems!
  • What did the hero say to the dragon? 'You’re just blowing smoke!'
  • Why did the hero get kicked out of the bar? He couldn’t stop boasting!
  • What did the hero wear to the party? His best cape!
  • Why did the hero take up gardening? He wanted to grow his own legend!
  • What do you call a hero on a diet? A super slim-er!
  • Why did the hero always win races? He had the best pace!
  • What did the hero say when he found treasure? 'I’m rich in legends!'
  • Why did the hero get a job at the bakery? He wanted to rise to the occasion!
  • What did the hero say to the audience? 'Thanks for being my fans, I couldn't do it without you!'
  • Why did the hero start a podcast? He wanted to share his epic tales!
  • What do you call a hero who loves music? A hero with good taste!
  • Why did the hero get a pet? He wanted a sidekick with paws!

Trickster Tales

  • Why did the trickster cross the road? To outsmart the chicken!
  • What do you call a trickster with a degree? A sly-ologist!
  • Why did the trickster bring a suitcase? Because he loved to travel light!
  • What did the trickster say to the serious person? 'Lighten up, it’s just a joke!'
  • Why did the trickster always carry a mirror? To reflect on his mischief!
  • What’s a trickster’s favorite game? Pranks and ladders!
  • Why did the trickster start a comedy club? He wanted to crack people up!
  • What do you call a trickster who loves to dance? A boogie-woogie mischief-maker!
  • Why was the trickster so good at hide and seek? Because he’s always on the lam!
  • What did the trickster say to the straight man? 'You’re just too predictable!'
  • Why did the trickster love the internet? He could play tricks from anywhere!
  • What do you call a trickster who loves to cook? A mischief chef!
  • Why did the trickster get a job in advertising? He was great at pulling people in!
  • What did the trickster say when he got caught? 'I’m just a misunderstood prankster!'
  • Why did the trickster get kicked out of school? He was too much of a class clown!
  • What do you call a trickster who loves puzzles? A riddle-me-this type!
  • Why did the trickster love magic shows? He enjoyed pulling rabbits out of hats!
  • What did the trickster say about his reputation? 'I’m just misunderstood!'
  • Why did the trickster write a book? He wanted to share his tales of woe and how to get around them!
  • What do you call a trickster who loves poetry? A sly poet!
  • Why did the trickster become a lawyer? He was great at bending the rules!

Cultural Symbols

  • Why did the dreamcatcher go to therapy? It had too many tangled thoughts!
  • What did the totem pole say at the party? 'I’m here to take things to a whole new level!'
  • Why did the feathers become fashion icons? They were always in vogue!
  • What do you call a cultural symbol that breaks the rules? A rebel with a cause!
  • What did the medicine wheel say to the earth? 'You complete me!'
  • Why did the pottery get a promotion? It was outstanding in its field!
  • What do you call a cultural symbol that loves to sing? A melody maker!
  • Why did the drum always get invited to parties? It had the best beat!
  • What did the beadwork say to the fabric? 'We’re a perfect match!'
  • Why did the cultural symbols start a band? They wanted to show their unity!
  • What do you call a wise old symbol? A sage of the ages!
  • Why did the mask get a job in acting? It was great at playing roles!
  • What did the blanket say when it was cold? 'I need to be wrapped up in comfort!'
  • Why did the cultural symbol become a chef? It loved to spice things up!
  • What do you call a cultural symbol that can tell jokes? A pun-derful icon!
  • Why was the shield always calm? It knew how to deflect negativity!
  • What did the symbol say to the artist? 'You’re bringing me to life!'
  • Why did the cultural symbols start a podcast? They had so many stories to share!
  • What do you call a cultural symbol that loves sports? An athletic icon!
  • Why did the necklace break up with the bracelet? It needed some space!
  • What did the cultural symbol say at the reunion? 'It’s great to see us all together!'