Mars Puns

Martian Life

  • Why don’t Martians ever get lost? They always follow the star maps!
  • What do you call a Martian who’s good at math? A ‘calculating’ extraterrestrial!
  • How do Martians keep their homes clean? They use a ‘space’ vac!
  • Why did the Martian bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were out of this world!
  • What do Martians do at the gym? They work on their ‘space’ muscles!
  • Why did the Martian break up with his girlfriend? She needed ‘space’!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite game? ‘Space’ Invaders!
  • How do Martians like to communicate? Through ‘asteroid’ messages!
  • What did the Martian say to the Earthling? 'You’re not my type, I prefer a little more 'gravity'!'
  • Why did the Martian join the orchestra? He wanted to play the ‘space’ drums!
  • What do you call a Martian who tells jokes? A ‘pun’-trovert!
  • How do Martians celebrate their birthdays? With a ‘space’ cake!
  • Why did the Martian wear sunglasses? Because he was on a ‘bright’ planet!
  • What do you get when you cross a Martian and a dog? A ‘barking’ mad alien!
  • How do Martians stay cool in summer? They chill in the ‘space’ pool!
  • What do you call it when a Martian becomes a chef? A ‘gastronaut’!
  • Why did the Martian go to school? To improve his ‘space-cial’ skills!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite dessert? ‘Asteroid’ pie!
  • How do Martians keep their secrets? They put them in a ‘spaceship’!
  • What did the Martian say when he won the lottery? ‘I’m feeling ‘out of this world’ rich!’
  • How does a Martian prefer to travel? By ‘rocket’ ship, of course!

Mars Exploration

  • Why did the astronaut break up with Mars? He needed ‘more space’!
  • What do you call an explorer on Mars? A ‘red’ rover!
  • Why did the rover get a promotion? It was ‘driving’ innovation!
  • What did the mission commander say? ‘Let’s get this ‘Mars’-terpiece started!’
  • How do Martian explorers stay organized? They use a ‘space’ planner!
  • What’s a rover’s favorite type of music? ‘Rock’ and roll!
  • Why don’t astronauts tell secrets on Mars? Because they might ‘leak’ into space!
  • What did Mars say to the Earth? ‘You’re looking ‘planet-tastic’ today!’
  • Why do astronauts make bad comedians? Their jokes are always ‘out of this atmosphere’!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite exercise? ‘Planet’ fitness!
  • Why did the astronaut bring a pencil to Mars? In case he needed to draw ‘space’ conclusions!
  • What do you call a Martian who loves photography? A ‘space’ shooter!
  • Why did Mars break up with Venus? It needed ‘space’!
  • What kind of music do Martians listen to? ‘Space’ jazz!
  • How do you know if a Martian is lying? Their stories are full of ‘space’ gaps!
  • What’s a rover’s favorite drink? A ‘Mars’-tini!
  • Why are Mars rovers always calm? They just take things one ‘drive’ at a time!
  • What do you call a Martian with a map? A ‘lost’ cause!
  • How did the rover feel after a long day? ‘Tired’ of the ‘space’ grind!
  • What did the astronaut say to his partner? ‘I think we need to explore ‘new horizons’!’
  • Why don’t Martians ever get bored? They always find ‘space’ for fun!

Mars and Food

  • What’s a Martian’s favorite type of pizza? ‘Mars’-capone!
  • Why did the Martian open a bakery? To sell ‘space’ cakes!
  • What do you call a Martian chef? A ‘cosmic’ cook!
  • Why did the Martian love barbecue? Because it was ‘out of this grill’!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite vegetable? ‘Space’ beans!
  • How do Martians like their eggs? ‘Space’-scrambled!
  • What do you get when you cross Mars with a fruit? A ‘planet’-berry!
  • Why do Martians never starve? They have a ‘space’ pantry!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite drink? ‘Mars’-mellow smoothie!
  • Why did the Martian cook go to school? To learn ‘cuisine’ in ‘space’!
  • What do you call a Martian with a sweet tooth? A ‘sugar’ rover!
  • Why do Martians eat fast food? They like to ‘rocket’ it!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite dessert? ‘Mars’-mallows!
  • How do Martians celebrate Thanksgiving? With ‘space’ turkey!
  • What do you call a Martian who loves to bake? A ‘planetary’ pastry chef!
  • Why don’t Martians eat junk food? They prefer ‘healthy space’ snacks!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite candy? ‘Mars’-s bars!
  • How does a Martian like its coffee? ‘Space-resso’!
  • What did the Martian say to the chef? ‘You really know how to ‘spice’ things up!’
  • Why did the Martian love breakfast? It’s the ‘most important meal in space’!
  • What do you call a Martian who grows vegetables? A ‘space’ gardener!

Mars and Science

  • Why did the scientist go to Mars? To study ‘extraterrestrial’ biology!
  • What do you call a Martian who’s a mathematician? A ‘space’ genius!
  • Why did the physicist love Mars? Because it has ‘gravity’!
  • What do you call a Martian with a PhD? A ‘space’ scholar!
  • Why did the astronomer break up with Mars? They found someone ‘more out of this world’!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite subject? ‘Astro-nomics’!
  • How do Martians conduct experiments? With ‘space’ tools!
  • What did the Martian say to the scientist? ‘You’re my ‘gravity’!’
  • Why don’t Martians ever get sick? They have ‘space’ immunity!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite scientific principle? The ‘Laws of Space’!
  • Why did the chemist love Mars? It had ‘elements’ of surprise!
  • What do you call it when a Martian studies the stars? ‘Astro-napping’!
  • How do Martians solve problems? They think ‘outside the planet’!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite experiment? ‘Space’ chemistry!
  • Why was the Martian so good at science? They were always ‘out of this world’ prepared!
  • What do you call a Martian who loves physics? A ‘gravity’ enthusiast!
  • Why did the Martian study geology? To understand its ‘rocky’ past!
  • What’s a Martian’s favorite scientific instrument? The ‘space’ telescope!
  • Why did the Martian attend science class? To learn how to ‘space’ out!
  • What did the scientist say to the Martian? ‘Let’s ‘explore’ the universe together!’
  • How does a Martian feel about science? It’s simply ‘fascinating’!