League Of Legends Puns

Champion Puns

  • Why did Teemo bring a ladder? To reach new heights!
  • What does Jinx say when she’s excited? ‘I’m bombed!’
  • Why did Ashe open a bakery? Because she’s great at frosting!
  • How does Garen stay so fit? He always spins to win!
  • Why is Riven so popular at parties? She really knows how to break the ice!
  • What do you call a cat that plays League? A Purr-inger!
  • Why did Lux bring a flashlight? To brighten up the room!
  • What did Darius say to his enemies? ‘You can’t axe me that!’
  • Why did Zed go to therapy? He couldn’t stop shadowing his problems!
  • How does Sona keep her music fresh? With a lot of tempo!
  • What’s Jax’s favorite dessert? A lamp cake!
  • Why does Rengar always win hide and seek? Because he’s a master tracker!
  • What’s the best way to catch a fish in Summoner's Rift? With a hookshot!
  • Why did Katarina get kicked out of school? For throwing knives in class!
  • What do you call a League player who loves to garden? A ‘plant’ support!
  • Why does Lee Sin never lose his keys? Because he always finds the right path!
  • What’s the best way to communicate with a champion? Use ‘R’ for response!
  • Why did Kha'Zix break up with his girlfriend? He wanted to evolve!
  • What did the Rift Herald say to the Baron? ‘You’re looking pretty buff today!’
  • Why is Zilean the best at storytelling? Because he always has a good time!
  • What do you call a Yasuo who tells jokes? A wind pun-der!

Item Puns

  • Why did the Infinity Edge break up? It found someone sharper!
  • What do you call a healing item that tells jokes? A pun-dering!
  • Why did the Blade of the Ruined King go to therapy? It had too many emotional blades!
  • How does a champion feel after getting a Lich Bane? Like they’re ready to ‘bust’ out!
  • What did the Rod of Ages say to the other items? ‘Let’s stick together!’
  • Why was the Guardian Angel so worried? It always felt like it was on borrowed time!
  • What’s a champion’s favorite drink? A potion of pun-derstanding!
  • Why did the Frozen Heart start a band? Because it had a cool beat!
  • What did the Boots of Mobility say to the other items? ‘I’m always on the move!’
  • Why did the Sunfire Cape become an actor? It wanted to be in the spotlight!
  • What’s a support’s favorite snack? A health potion and some mana chips!
  • Why was the Rabadon's Deathcap so confident? It knew it had a big hat to fill!
  • How does a champion feel after buying a Warmog's Armor? Invincible!
  • What did the Spirit Visage say to its owner? ‘I’ve got your back!’
  • Why did the Hextech Rocketbelt join the gym? It wanted to get explosive gains!
  • What’s a champion’s favorite game? ‘Item or Not Item’!
  • Why did the Zeke's Convergence get invited to parties? It knew how to bring the synergy!
  • Why did the Thornmail start a fashion line? Because it had the best ‘armor’!
  • What did the Essence Reaver say at the comedy club? ‘I’m here to reclaim my essence!’
  • Why did the Banshee's Veil get a promotion? It always knew when to shield!
  • What do you call a champion with all the items? A ‘fully-loaded’ pun-der!

Team Composition Puns

  • Why did the ADC always carry the team? Because they had the best support!
  • What do you call a team of mages? A spell-icious group!
  • Why did the tank always get the best jokes? Because it could take a hit!
  • What’s the best way to describe a balanced team? ‘Pun-derfully’ diverse!
  • Why did the jungler break up with the laner? They needed more space to roam!
  • What do you call a team with too many assassins? A ‘kill’ing spree!
  • Why did the support always bring a snack? Because it knew how to sustain the team!
  • What did the team say after winning? ‘That was a pun-derful game!’
  • Why did the mage refuse to join the team? It didn’t want to get ‘burned’ out!
  • What’s a team’s favorite sport? Summoner’s Rift-ball!
  • Why did the top laner always get invited? They were a great ‘top-notch’ player!
  • What do you call a team with five supports? A ‘heal’ of a team!
  • Why did the mid laner always stay calm? They knew how to keep their ‘cool’ under pressure!
  • What’s a champion’s favorite team strategy? ‘Pun-tastic’ synergy!
  • Why did the ADC and support make a great duo? They had ‘unbe-leaf-able’ synergy!
  • What do you call a strategy involving all champions? A ‘full house’!
  • Why did the team always win? They had a great ‘team-spirit’!
  • What’s the best way to communicate in-game? With ‘puns’ and pings!
  • Why did the tank join the orchestra? Because it knew how to take the hits!
  • What do you call a team that always wins? A ‘pun-derful’ squad!
  • Why did the jungler and mid laner get along? They shared a ‘common ground’!

In-Game Situation Puns

  • Why did the player get a timeout? They were caught 'AFK-ing'!
  • What do you call a champion who never backs? A 'lane' squatter!
  • Why did the enemy team rage quit? They couldn’t handle the ‘pun-ishment’!
  • What’s a player’s favorite time of the game? ‘Pun-ning’ phase!
  • Why did the mid laner get lost? They couldn’t find their ‘way’!
  • What do you call a team that never communicates? A ‘silent’ pun-der!
  • Why did the player always check the scoreboard? They wanted to keep track of their ‘pun-der’!
  • What did the jungler say after a gank? ‘That was a ‘pun-derful’ surprise!’
  • Why did the support always help? Because they believed in ‘teamwork’!
  • What’s a player’s favorite activity after a game? ‘Pun-dering’ their next move!
  • Why did the tower always stay calm? It knew it had ‘high ground’!
  • What do you call a champion who can’t stop talking? A ‘chat-ting’ player!
  • Why did the player keep dying? They couldn’t stop ‘face-checking’!
  • What’s a player’s least favorite situation? Getting ‘pun-ished’ in lane!
  • Why did the enemy team feel rushed? They were always ‘under pressure’!
  • What did the player say when they got a quadra kill? ‘I’m on a pun-der roll!’
  • Why did the player always carry a map? They didn’t want to get ‘lost’ in the game!
  • What do you call a champion that never leaves base? A ‘home-body’!
  • Why did the player get a promotion? They were always ahead of ‘the game’!
  • What’s a player’s favorite dessert? A ‘pun-cake’!
  • Why did the player always bring snacks? They wanted to ‘sustain’ themselves!

Summoner's Rift Puns

  • Why did the Summoner go to school? To learn about ‘lane’ management!
  • What do you call it when two champions meet in the jungle? ‘A wild encounter’!
  • Why did the rift always feel alive? It had a lot of ‘energy’!
  • What’s a Summoner’s favorite drink? Rift cola!
  • Why did the Baron get an award? For being ‘top-tier’!
  • What do you call a match that never ends? A ‘never-ending’ pun-der!
  • Why did the player always use a map? They didn’t want to get ‘lost’ in the rift!
  • What’s a champion’s favorite type of music? ‘Rift-rock’!
  • Why was the jungle always busy? It had too many ‘creeps’ to handle!
  • What did the river say to the lane? ‘You can always count on me!’
  • Why did the player love the rift? It was ‘pun-derful’ place to be!
  • What’s a Summoner’s favorite ritual? ‘Jungle’ blessings!
  • Why did the Nexus start a blog? To share its ‘core’ values!
  • What do you call a rift that’s always busy? A ‘pun-derful’ hub of activity!
  • Why did the minions always hang out in lanes? They were ‘loyal’ to their lanes!
  • What’s a player’s favorite holiday? ‘Rift-mas’!
  • Why did the dragon love to sing? It had a ‘fiery’ passion!
  • What do you call a quiet rift? ‘Summer-nah’!
  • Why did the player always check the map? They didn’t want to miss a ‘pun-derful’ opportunity!
  • What’s a Summoner’s favorite game mode? ‘Pun-derstorm’!
  • Why did the player always stay near the tower? It was a ‘safe haven’!