Lawyer Puns

Courtroom Humor

  • I told my lawyer I needed a strong case, and he brought me a thermos.
  • Why did the lawyer break up with his girlfriend? She had too many objections.
  • What do you call a lawyer who doesn't chase ambulances? Retired.
  • I asked my lawyer if he could help me with my case of mistaken identity. He said, 'Who's asking?'
  • Why did the lawyer wear a neck brace? He had a whiplash of justice!
  • I don't trust lawyers who don't take coffee breaks. They're always brewing something.
  • Did you hear about the lawyer who tried to sue the calendar? He lost his case!
  • Why did the lawyer cross the road? To sue the chicken on the other side.
  • What do you get when you cross a bad lawyer with a crooked politician? Chelsea.
  • I used to be a lawyer, but I lost my appeal.
  • When a lawyer is disbarred, does that mean he can’t go to the beach anymore?
  • Why are lawyers so good at playing chess? They know how to make all the right moves.
  • What do you call a lawyer who writes a book? An author-ity.
  • Why did the lawyer get kicked off the plane? He kept trying to file a motion in the aisle.
  • What do you call a lawyer who knows the answer to every question? A legal expert-ise.
  • Why did the lawyer bring a ladder to court? He wanted to reach new heights in his career.
  • What's a lawyer's favorite exercise? Suing and running.
  • Did you hear about the lawyer who fell in love with a judge? It was a courtship made in heaven.
  • Why was the lawyer always calm? He had a lot of legal briefs.
  • What did the lawyer say to the judge? 'I'm in a bit of a bind here!'
  • Why did the lawyer take up gardening? He wanted to learn how to plant a case.

Legal Lingo

  • I told my lawyer I needed a loan, and he said, 'You have my legal tender.'
  • Why don’t lawyers play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when they have a subpoena.
  • I wanted to sue the airline for losing my luggage, but I didn't have a case.
  • My lawyer told me to keep my nose clean. I didn’t know it had legal implications!
  • Why did the lawyer refuse to play cards? He was afraid of getting dealt a bad hand.
  • What's a lawyer's favorite drink? Subpoena colada!
  • Why did the lawyer go broke? He lost his case in small claims court.
  • What do you call a lawyer who has gone bad? Senator.
  • Why did the lawyer sleep with a ruler? To measure how long he slept!
  • I tried to sue my local gym for not letting me work out, but they said I had no grounds.
  • What did the lawyer say when he was asked to give a speech? 'I object to public speaking!'
  • Why did the lawyer always carry a pencil? In case he needed to draw a line!
  • What do you call a lawyer who is great at math? An attorney-algebra.
  • Why did the lawyer bring string to court? To tie up loose ends.
  • What do lawyers wear to court? Lawsuits!
  • Why did the lawyer break up with his girlfriend? She had too many clauses.
  • When my lawyer told me to ‘take the fifth,’ I thought he was talking about alcohol!
  • What kind of music do lawyers listen to? Legal briefs!
  • Why did the lawyer take a pillow to court? He wanted to rest his case.
  • What’s a lawyer’s favorite type of music? Subpoena!
  • Why did the lawyer become an artist? He wanted to draw up contracts.

Client Quips

  • What do lawyers wear to court? Lawsuits!
  • My lawyer told me I should start investing in stocks. I said I prefer bonds.
  • Why did the client bring a ladder to the lawyer’s office? He wanted to reach new legal heights.
  • What did the lawyer say when he got a new client? 'Welcome to the legal team!'
  • What do you call a client who doesn’t pay their lawyer? A deadbeat defendant.
  • I told my lawyer I needed a new strategy. He said, 'Let’s think outside the box!'
  • Why did the lawyer get in trouble with his client? He was caught billing by the hour!
  • What did the lawyer tell his client after winning the case? 'That'll be a wrap!'
  • Why do lawyers love their clients? Because they make a good case!
  • What did the lawyer say to the nervous client? 'Don't worry, I've got your back!'
  • Why was the client always calm? Because they had a lawyer on speed dial.
  • What do you get when you cross a lawyer and a client? A new case of trust issues!
  • Why did the lawyer take his client to lunch? To discuss their legal appetites!
  • What do lawyers love about their clients? Their legal tender!
  • Why did the client refuse to pay? They thought they had a case of mistaken billing.
  • What did the lawyer say when his client asked about their case? 'Let’s not get ahead of ourselves!'
  • Why did the lawyer start a podcast? To share his client tales!
  • What’s a lawyer’s favorite game? Client-centration!
  • Why did the lawyer always have a notebook? To jot down client notes!
  • What did the lawyer say to the client who wanted to settle? 'Let’s negotiate!'.
  • What do you call a lawyer who gives bad advice? A malpractice suit!

Legal Advice

  • What did the lawyer say to the confused client? 'Let’s break this down legally!'
  • I asked my lawyer for advice on relationships. He said, 'No comments!'
  • Why did the lawyer recommend therapy? Because he wanted to help his client process!
  • What’s a lawyer’s best piece of advice? Don’t sign anything without reading the fine print!
  • Why do lawyers love to give advice? Because they’re always right!
  • What did the lawyer say when asked how to win a case? 'Just follow the legal path!'
  • What’s a lawyer’s favorite question? 'Is this legally binding?'
  • Why do lawyers make terrible comedians? They always want to talk about the case!
  • What do you call a lawyer who gives free advice? A legal aid!
  • What did the lawyer tell his client about the importance of documentation? 'It's all in the details!'
  • Why did the lawyer suggest a diet? He wanted his client to cut down on legal fees!
  • What did the lawyer say when asked for help with a will? 'I’ll help you write your last testament!'
  • Why did the lawyer recommend a vacation? To clear your mind legally!
  • What do you call a lawyer who gives relationship advice? A love attorney!
  • What did the lawyer say about saving money? 'Invest in legal funds!'
  • Why did the lawyer suggest joining a club? To network legally!
  • What’s the lawyer’s mantra? 'Always be prepared!'
  • What did the lawyer say about honesty? 'It's the best policy!'
  • What did the lawyer say about health? 'Stay legal and fit!'
  • Why did the lawyer suggest a financial planner? To avoid bankruptcy!
  • What did the lawyer say about stress? 'Breathe legally!'

Lawyer Life

  • Why did the lawyer go to art school? He wanted to improve his drawing skills!
  • What do you call a lawyer who loves to travel? A legal globetrotter!
  • Why did the lawyer bring a suitcase to the office? He was packing for a case!
  • What’s a lawyer’s favorite way to relax? A legal spa day!
  • Why did the lawyer keep a diary? To track his legal thoughts!
  • What did the lawyer say about work-life balance? 'It's all about the legal scale!'
  • What do you call a lawyer who loves to cook? A legal chef!
  • Why did the lawyer join a gym? To stay fit for court!
  • What’s a lawyer’s favorite hobby? Legal gardening!
  • Why did the lawyer take up yoga? To find inner peace legally!
  • What do you call a lawyer who loves to dance? A legal mover!
  • What did the lawyer say when he went to the beach? 'I’m here for some legal sun!'
  • Why did the lawyer enjoy fishing? He loved to reel in cases!
  • What do you call a lawyer who loves to read? A legal bookworm!
  • What did the lawyer say about family time? 'It's all about legal bonding!'
  • Why did the lawyer become a musician? He wanted to write legal tunes!
  • What’s a lawyer’s favorite holiday? Legal Day!
  • Why did the lawyer love camping? He liked to get outside the legal box!
  • What do you call a lawyer who enjoys photography? A legal shutterbug!
  • What did the lawyer say about his daily routine? 'It’s a legal grind!'
  • Why did the lawyer start a blog? To share his legal journey!