Hygiene Puns

Dental Hygiene

  • I told my dentist I wanted a clean slate, so he gave me a filling.
  • Flossing is like a relationship; you have to work at it to keep it strong.
  • Why did the toothbrush cross the road? To get to the other plaque.
  • My dentist said I need a crown. I said, 'I know, right?'
  • You can always count on your teeth to be there for you, they’re the real molar support.
  • Brushing twice a day keeps the cavities away, but it sure doesn’t keep the bad breath at bay!
  • I asked my dentist for a date, but he said he's already booked.
  • The dentist always knows how to make a clean exit.
  • I didn't get my teeth cleaned last week, but I still feel the plaque-tic pain.
  • When my toothbrush broke, I was really bristled.
  • Never tell a dentist you’re flossing when you’re really just faking it.
  • I wanted to become a dentist, but I just couldn't handle the pressure.
  • My dentist is great, he always gives me a toothy smile.
  • Why did the dentist start a gardening business? He wanted to brush up on his skills.
  • When my dentist retires, I hope he has a plaque in his honor.
  • I told my dentist I wanted whiter teeth, and he suggested I brush up on my skills.
  • I didn’t like my dentist at first, but he really grew on me – like plaque.
  • I told my dentist I have a sweet tooth. He said, 'Stop biting off more than you can chew!'
  • If you want to find a good dentist, just follow the gumdrops.
  • Why do dentists always carry a pencil? In case they need to draw some floss!
  • Brushing my teeth is a brush with greatness!

Personal Hygiene

  • I tried to make a soap pun, but it was too lathered.
  • Why did the soap always feel clean? Because it had a good wash of confidence.
  • I told my friend I was getting a shower. He said, 'You really should clean up your act!'
  • I’m not a germaphobe; I just really enjoy my personal space!
  • What did one bar of soap say to the other? 'You crack me up!'
  • I’ve been taking hygiene tips from my dog; he’s always so pawsitively clean!
  • Why did the shampoo go to art school? It wanted to learn how to draw a better lather.
  • I never trust soap; it always seems to be so slippery.
  • I tried a new deodorant called 'Confidence' but it just left me feeling a bit underarm.
  • Why do towels always get invited to parties? Because they’re great at drying out the situation!
  • I don’t always wash my hands, but when I do, I make sure to soap it up!
  • My soap has a personality; it’s quite bubbly!
  • Why did the toothbrush break up with the toothpaste? They just couldn’t find common ground.
  • I asked my friend why he was always so clean. He said, 'It's a rinse and repeat kind of life.'
  • I told my mom I was going to take a bath, and she said, 'You deserve a good soak!'
  • Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom!
  • If cleanliness is next to godliness, then I must be a saint!
  • I can’t find my soap; it’s hiding in a sudsy situation.
  • Why did the deodorant apply for a job? It wanted to get to the next level of freshness!
  • I always carry hand sanitizer; you never know when a germ will pop up!
  • I told my friend I was taking a bubble bath, and he said, 'Sounds like a bubbly personality!'

Food Hygiene

  • I asked the chef how to keep food safe, he said to always follow the thyme!
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • Food hygiene is no joke; you have to take it seriously or you might get a real pickle.
  • I told my friend to wash his hands before cooking, but he said he was a 'hands-off' chef.
  • Why did the chef get kicked out of the kitchen? He was too saucy!
  • I always keep my kitchen clean; it’s my bread and butter.
  • Why was the kitchen so clean? Because it had a lot of ‘soap-er’ powers!
  • You know you’re a good cook when you can whisk it all!
  • I told my friend to keep an eye on the chicken, but he said it was too clucky!
  • Food hygiene is important; you don’t want to be caught with your pants down… or your hands dirty!
  • I like to use fresh ingredients; they really make my hygiene stand out.
  • Why did the cucumber get a promotion? It was always cool under pressure!
  • I asked the chef why he was always so clean, he said, 'It’s all about keeping it fresh!'
  • I tried to cook without cleaning, but it left me in a pickle!
  • What do you call a clean kitchen? A dish-tastic place!
  • I told my friend I was going to sanitize my kitchen, he said, 'That’s the spirit!'
  • I used to be a messy cook, but now I’m a clean-cut chef!
  • Food hygiene is like a good recipe; it takes time to perfect.
  • Why did the food refuse to get dirty? Because it was too well-behaved!
  • If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen… and clean it!
  • I’m on a strict hygiene diet; it’s all about clean eating!

Hand Hygiene

  • I always wash my hands before eating; it’s the ‘grubby’ way!
  • What did one hand say to the other? 'You’re looking clean today!'
  • I told my friend to wash his hands after using the restroom; he said he didn’t want to go 'hands-on.'
  • Why do hands never get lost? Because they always know how to find their way to soap!
  • I tried to shake hands with a germaphobe, but he politely declined.
  • My hands are always clean; they just can’t stop washing their hands!
  • What do you call a hand that doesn’t wash? A dirty palm!
  • I told my friend I was going to wash my hands before dinner; he said that’s the way to 'clean' up!
  • I always carry hand sanitizer; it’s my ‘clean’ partner in crime.
  • Why did the hand sanitizer go to school? To get a little ‘rubbing’ up on hygiene!
  • I told my mom I was washing my hands, and she said, 'That’s the spirit!'
  • I love a good hand wash; it really gives me a fresh start!
  • My hands are so clean, they could be on the cover of a hygiene magazine!
  • Why did the hand get a promotion? It always delivered a clean performance!
  • I asked my friend how to keep his hands clean, he said, 'Just wash your worries away!'
  • Hand washing is like a great dance; you just have to follow the rhythm!
  • I told my friend to keep his hands clean, and he said he’s always ready to scrub!
  • What do you call a hand that loves to wash? A clean freak!
  • I never shake hands without washing; I like to keep it ‘clean’ business!
  • Why do hands always get invited to parties? Because they know how to keep it clean!
  • I’m on a hand hygiene plan; I just can’t stop washing my way to success!

Bathroom Hygiene

  • Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom!
  • I told my friend I was going to clean the bathroom, he said, 'That’s a throne-worthy task!'
  • I like to keep my bathroom so clean, it’s like a spa day every day!
  • What do you call a bathroom that’s always clean? A lavatory of luxury!
  • I always keep my bathroom supplies organized; it’s my ‘clean’ routine!
  • Why did the sink break up with the toilet? They just couldn’t handle the pressure!
  • I asked my friend how to keep the bathroom fresh, he said, 'Just let it air out!'
  • What did the toilet say to the plunger? 'You really know how to clean up my act!'
  • I told my dad I was cleaning the bathroom; he said, 'That’s a flush of responsibility!'
  • I keep my bathroom so tidy, it could win a cleanliness award!
  • Why did the soap get promoted in the bathroom? It always knew how to lather up the situation!
  • I told my friend I was going to take a bubble bath, and he said, 'Sounds like a clean getaway!'
  • My bathroom is so clean, it sparkles like a diamond!
  • Why do bathrooms always get good ratings? Because they’re always fresh and clean!
  • I asked my friend how to keep the bathroom smelling nice, he said, 'Just add a little fragrance!'
  • What do you call a bathroom that’s always in style? A chic lavatory!
  • I told my friend I was going to clean the toilet; he said, 'That’s a throne job!'
  • Why do bathrooms make great comedians? They always know how to flush out a good joke!
  • I like to keep my towels fresh; they really make the bathroom pop!
  • Why did the toilet apply for a job? It wanted to take care of business!
  • I always keep my bathroom well-stocked; it’s my clean sanctuary!