Heart Puns

Love and Romance

  • You’re the heart of my world!
  • I a-heart you so much!
  • I’m just a heart in love.
  • You make my heart race!
  • We’re a perfect match, like heart and beat.
  • I’ve got a heart on for you.
  • You’re my heart’s desire.
  • I’m drawn to you like a heart to a beat.
  • You’re the beat to my heart.
  • Our love is un-beat-able!
  • You’re my heart’s compass.
  • You’ve stolen my heart!
  • Let’s not skip a beat!
  • You make my heart flutter.
  • You’re the heart of the matter.
  • You’re the key to my heart.
  • You’re my heart and soul.
  • I love you to the moon and back, heart and all!
  • You’ve got my heart in your hands.
  • My heart is yours for the taking.
  • You’re heart-fully amazing!
  • You fill my heart with joy!

Valentine's Day

  • I’m ‘beary’ fond of you this Valentine’s!
  • Let’s get a-head and celebrate love!
  • You’ve got a heart full of sweetness!
  • I love you berry much!
  • You’re my favorite ‘valen-tine’!
  • I’m ‘pawsitively’ in love with you!
  • You make my heart ‘pound’ like chocolate!
  • You’re a real ‘gem’ of a Valentine!
  • You’re ‘grape’ at making me smile!
  • You’re ‘pear’fect for me!
  • I love you a latte this Valentine’s Day!
  • You make my heart bloom!
  • You’re the icing on my heart-shaped cake!
  • You’ve got the ‘key’ to my heart-shaped box!
  • You’re my ‘sweetheart’!
  • I’m ‘s’more’ in love with you every day!
  • You’re my ‘cupcake’ in this big world.
  • I’m not lion when I say I love you!
  • You make my heart pop like popcorn!
  • You’re ‘unbe-leaf-able’ this Valentine’s!
  • You make my heart sing like a love song!
  • You’re ‘egg-cellent’ in my book!

Heart Health

  • Keep your heart in ‘shape’!
  • I’m ‘beet’-ing around the bush about heart health!
  • Don’t ‘leaf’ your heart health to chance!
  • You’ve got to ‘carrot’ all when it comes to your heart!
  • Let’s ‘kale’ it a priority!
  • A happy heart is a ‘cruciferous’ heart!
  • Don’t forget to ‘exercise’ your heart!
  • You’re the ‘apple’ of my heart health!
  • I ‘heart’ a healthy lifestyle!
  • Let’s ‘squash’ those bad habits!
  • You’re ‘grape’ at motivating heart health!
  • Let’s ‘beet’ our cholesterol!
  • Heart health is ‘berry’ important!
  • You’ve got to be ‘fit’ for a healthy heart!
  • Don't ‘lettuce’ skip our workouts!
  • You’re ‘zest’ for heart health!
  • You’re my ‘peach’ of a heart health buddy!
  • Let’s not ‘carrot’ away with junk food!
  • You’re ‘nuts’ about heart health!
  • My heart is ‘pulsing’ with thanks for you!
  • You’re a real ‘cabbage’ when it comes to heart health!
  • You’re always ‘rooting’ for a healthy heart!

Heartbreak and Healing

  • I’m ‘heartbroken’ but I’ll get through it!
  • You can’t ‘beat’ a bad breakup!
  • I’m learning to ‘heal’ from heartache!
  • I’ll ‘mend’ my broken heart!
  • You’ve got to ‘heart’ your way through pain!
  • Time ‘heals’ all heart wounds!
  • You’re ‘heart’ strong enough to move on!
  • I’m ‘band-aid’ my heart back together!
  • I’ll ‘patch’ up my heart in no time!
  • My heart will ‘bounce’ back!
  • You can’t keep a good heart down!
  • I’m ‘heart-ily’ ready to move forward!
  • It’s time to ‘let my heart go’!
  • I’ll find a way to ‘heart’ again!
  • Let’s ‘pick up’ the pieces of my heart!
  • You’ve got to ‘heart’ the past behind you!
  • I’m ‘reviving’ my heart after the storm!
  • Every heartache leads to a ‘heartward’ journey!
  • I’ll ‘heart’ my way back to happiness!
  • You’re ‘heart’ and soul in my recovery!
  • I’m ‘healing’ with every beat!
  • Love will ‘find’ my heart again!

Heart-Related Sayings

  • Follow your heart, it knows the ‘beat’!
  • A change of heart is a ‘pun-derful’ thing!
  • You’ve got to ‘heart’ it to believe it!
  • Every heart has its ‘story’!
  • You can’t ‘heart’ what you can’t see!
  • Home is where the heart is ‘pun-derstood’!
  • A heart full of love is ‘unbeatable’!
  • It takes heart to follow your dreams!
  • ‘Heart-felt’ wishes come true!
  • You’ve got a ‘heart’ of gold!
  • Wear your heart on your ‘sleeve’!
  • You’ve got to ‘follow your heart’!
  • ‘Heart’ of the matter is love!
  • Life is a ‘heart’ of choices!
  • You’re in my heart, ‘no matter what’!
  • Love is a ‘heart’ of giving!
  • Every heartbeat counts!
  • A heart has its own ‘rhythm’!
  • You’re making my heart ‘skip’!
  • A heart can hold so much ‘love’!
  • Love is the ‘heart’s’ desire!
  • Spread the love, it’s a ‘heart’ thing!