Exercise Puns

Gym Humor

  • I told my trainer I wanted to lose weight. He told me to lift my spirits!
  • I finally got a gym membership, but I’m still working on my cardio—my cardio is just running late!
  • I think my exercise bike is broken—it just won’t stop spinning stories!
  • Why did the gym close down? It just didn’t work out!
  • I tried to start a yoga class, but I couldn't find my center!
  • I lift weights, but they’re mostly just my lunch!
  • Why did the treadmill break up with the stationary bike? It found someone who could really move!
  • I went to a fitness camp and learned how to squat. Now I just can't stop sitting down!
  • I do all my workouts in front of the mirror. I guess you could say I’m a reflection of my effort!
  • I decided to take a weightlifting class. It’s really helped me pick up my game!
  • I wanted to get fit, so I started skipping. Now I just skip leg day!
  • Why did the bodybuilder bring a ladder to the gym? Because he wanted to reach new heights!
  • I tried to run a marathon, but I ended up just running out of gas!
  • The dumbbell and I have a love-hate relationship: I love to hate it!
  • My gym instructor told me to ‘work my abs!’ So I went home and took a nap!
  • I started a new weight loss program. It’s called 'Don’t eat the cake!'
  • I told myself I should do lunges to stay in shape. That was a big step forward!
  • I signed up for a spin class, but I think I'm just going in circles!
  • My friend said he’s a cardio junkie. I told him he should probably seek help!
  • I thought about joining a gym, but I didn’t want to lose my social life. So I just joined a ‘no gym’ class!
  • I named my treadmill ‘The Time Machine’—because every time I’m on it, I’m thinking of how much time I’ve wasted!

Fitness Motivation

  • I wanted to start running, but I couldn’t find my motivation. It must be on the couch!
  • I told my friend I’m going to start a fitness blog. He said, 'That’s a great way to stretch the truth!'
  • I need to find a way to stay motivated! Maybe I should hire a professional ‘procrastinator’!
  • Why did the fitness coach bring a pencil to the gym? To draw in some new clients!
  • I asked my trainer for some motivation tips. She told me to ‘get pumped’!
  • My gym buddy quit. Now I’m just lifting my spirits alone!
  • Why don’t skeletons ever go to the gym? Because they don’t have the guts!
  • I tried to motivate myself to lift weights, but I couldn’t find the will to power through!
  • My friend said he’s on a seafood diet. He sees food and eats it—definitely not motivation!
  • I wanted to get into fitness, but I couldn’t find my ‘get up and go’!
  • I started a motivational speaking course at the gym. I’m calling it ‘Weights & Wisdom’!
  • I thought about running a marathon, but my feet said, ‘You’ve got to be kidding!’
  • I decided to write a motivational book about fitness. I’m calling it ‘The Art of Not Giving Up’!
  • I joined a running club, but they always seem to leave me behind. Talk about a ‘race’ against time!
  • Why did the weightlifter break up with his girlfriend? She said he needed to lighten up!
  • I set a goal to run every day, but I ended up just running out of excuses!
  • I told my friend I’m going to start working out every day. He said, ‘That’s a heavy commitment!’
  • I went to a motivational seminar, but I left feeling more tired than inspired!
  • I wanted to get fit but found my motivation on the couch. It’s a ‘sit’uation!
  • I’m trying to get more fit, but I keep working out my snack arm!
  • Why did the gym go on vacation? It needed to ‘re-charge’ its batteries!

Yoga and Stretching

  • I’m on a yoga journey. I’m starting to find my inner peace…and my outer snacks!
  • Why did the yoga instructor break up with their partner? They just couldn’t find the right balance!
  • I tried to meditate, but I kept losing my train of thought. It’s a ‘mindful’ mess!
  • I signed up for a yoga class, but I think I’m more of a ‘downward dog’ than a ‘warrior’!
  • I love yoga! It really helps me stretch my imagination and my patience!
  • Why don’t yogis ever get lost? Because they always find their way back to the mat!
  • I tried to do a headstand in yoga, but my head had other ideas!
  • I told my friend I’m taking a yoga class. He said, ‘Just don’t bend the truth!’
  • I wanted to join a hot yoga class, but I got too heated about it!
  • Why did the yogi refuse to play cards? He didn’t want to deal with the stress!
  • I joined a yoga class for flexibility, but all I’ve gained is stress relief and more snacks!
  • I asked my yoga instructor for tips on balance. She said, ‘Don’t rush—just take it slow!’
  • I tried to do a split in yoga class, but I ended up just splitting my pants!
  • I told my yoga class I was feeling ‘bent out of shape’!
  • Why did the yoga teacher go broke? Because they couldn’t find their ‘balance’!
  • I signed up for a yoga retreat, but all I found was a ‘rest’ stop!
  • I thought yoga was all about relaxation, but it’s really just a ‘stretch’ of the imagination!
  • I tried to practice mindfulness, but my mind kept wandering off!
  • Why are yoga classes so popular? Because they’re a ‘stretch’ of the truth!
  • I wanted to be a yoga master, but I realized I was just a ‘flexible’ beginner!
  • I asked my yoga instructor for advice on how to relax. She said, ‘Just let it go!’

Running and Cardio

  • I tried running a marathon, but I ended up just ‘running’ away from my responsibilities!
  • Why don’t runners ever get locked out? Because they always have the ‘key’ to cardio!
  • I wanted to start jogging, but I just can’t get my ‘running’ shoes on!
  • I signed up for a 5K, but I thought it was a ‘5 cake’!
  • Why did the runner bring string to the race? To tie up loose ends!
  • My friend said he runs marathons. I told him I just run late!
  • I tried to join a running club, but I couldn’t keep up with their pace!
  • Why did the runner break up with their partner? They just needed space to run free!
  • I told my friend I run on coffee. He said, ‘That’s a ‘brew-tiful’ way to get energized!’
  • I wanted to train for a marathon, but I ended up just training my couch instead!
  • Why do runners always carry a pencil? In case they need to draw a line!
  • I signed up for a race, but I’m still stuck at the starting line!
  • I wanted to begin running, but I keep tripping over my own excuses!
  • Why did the treadmill break up with the runner? It couldn’t handle the pressure!
  • I tried to run every day, but my feet said, ‘We need a break!’
  • Why did the marathon runner bring a ladder? To reach new heights!
  • I told my friend I’m going for a run. He said, ‘Don’t run from your problems!’
  • I attempted to run a half marathon, but I only made it to the ‘half’ part!
  • Why did the runner get a promotion? Because they really know how to chase their dreams!
  • I signed up for a running challenge, but it turned into a ‘walk in the park’!
  • I wanted to run faster, but I keep hitting the brakes!

Healthy Eating

  • I tried eating healthy, but my fridge keeps calling me back to junk food!
  • Why did the vegetable break up with the fruit? It found someone more ‘a-peeling’!
  • I told my salad to stop being so dramatic. It was just a little ‘leafy’!
  • I wanted to start eating green, but I ended up just turning green with envy!
  • Why did the carrot get an award? Because it was outstanding in its field!
  • I decided to eat more fruits, but I keep ‘berry-ing’ my head in sweets!
  • Why did the chef get promoted? They knew how to ‘spice’ things up!
  • I tried to eat healthy but ended up just ‘lettuce’ eat cake!
  • Why are bananas never lonely? Because they all hang out in bunches!
  • I joined a healthy eating club, but I’m just there for the ‘snack’ breaks!
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • I wanted to be a health nut, but I ended up just cracking under pressure!
  • Why did the avocado get a promotion? Because it was extra special!
  • I told my friend I’m on a new diet. He said, ‘Is it the ‘see-food’ diet?’
  • I tried to eat more greens, but I keep turning back to chocolate!
  • Why did the donut go to therapy? Because it felt empty inside!
  • I wanted to be a health guru, but I’m still just a ‘snack’ enthusiast!
  • I thought about going vegan, but I couldn’t find my ‘inner peas’!
  • Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!
  • I signed up for a healthy eating workshop, but I didn’t know it would be a ‘grain’ of truth!
  • Why did the grape stop in the middle of the road? It ran out of juice!