Essay Puns

Writing Puns

  • I’m writing a book on reverse psychology. Don’t buy it!
  • I told my computer I needed a break, and now it won’t stop sending me to sleep mode.
  • I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.
  • Why don’t writers like to play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when they can’t find their plot!
  • I tried to start a pencil factory, but it was pointless.
  • I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!
  • My thesaurus is terrible; it’s just awful and awful!
  • I’m writing a rom-com about a pencil and a pen. It’s a love story with a lot of twists.
  • If you want to write a bestseller, just start with ‘Once upon a time’ and never finish!
  • I was going to write a joke about procrastination, but I’ll save it for later.
  • I wanted to write a novel about a broken pencil, but it was pointless.
  • I wrote a story about a chicken crossing the road, but I couldn’t get past the first chapter.
  • I’m writing a book on how to avoid clichés. It’s going to be a bestseller!
  • My novel about a pencil was really good; it just needed a little more lead.
  • I tried to write a mystery novel, but the plot kept getting lost.
  • I’m working on a book about teleportation. You won’t believe where it goes!
  • I tried to write a book on time travel, but I couldn’t find the right moment.
  • I’m writing a horror story about a haunted pen. It’s pen-tastic!
  • I wrote a book about gardening, but it didn’t really grow on me.
  • My story about an elevator is a real up-and-down tale.
  • I wanted to write a memoir, but it turned out to be a ‘me-moir’!

Literature Puns

  • I’m reading a book on anti-social behavior; it’s really hard to get into!
  • Why did the book join the police? It wanted to go undercover!
  • I told my friend 10 jokes to get him to laugh. Sadly, no pun in ten did.
  • Why don’t authors get lost? They always have a plot!
  • I wanted to write a novel about a runaway dog, but I couldn’t find the right plot.
  • I read a book about history. It was a real page-turner!
  • I’m writing a book on the history of glue. I just can’t seem to put it down!
  • Why are books so good at keeping secrets? Because they have so many covers!
  • I wrote a book about falling in love with a librarian. It’s a real shelfie!
  • My book about paper was a huge success; it really took off!
  • I wrote a book about a pencil that could write music. It was a real hit!
  • I don’t trust stairs; they’re always up to something in literature.
  • Why did the student eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!
  • I wrote a book about a broken clock. It’s a real timeless classic!
  • I tried to write a book about the ocean, but it was too deep!
  • My book about gardening was a real thriller; it kept me on the edge of my seat!
  • I’m writing a book about a cat detective. It’s a real meow-nificent story!
  • Why don’t books ever get cold? They always have a jacket!
  • I’m writing a book on procrastination, but I’ll start it tomorrow.
  • My novel about a superhero librarian was a real page-turner!
  • I wanted to write a book about an elevator, but it just kept going up and down!

School Puns

  • Why did the math book look sad? It had too many problems!
  • I’m studying for a test on sarcasm. I don’t think I’ll ace it.
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? Because his students were so bright!
  • I was going to tell a chemistry joke, but I knew I wouldn’t get a reaction.
  • I told my teacher I was going to be a writer. She said I had a lot of character!
  • I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to school? Because he wanted to go to high school!
  • I asked the librarian if the library had books on paranoia. She whispered, 'They’re right behind you!'
  • Why did the student eat his homework? Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake!
  • I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!
  • Why did the student bring a blanket to class? Because he wanted to stay warm while he learned!
  • I was going to write a joke about math, but I thought it was too calculated.
  • Why did the music teacher go to jail? Because she got caught with too much treble!
  • I tried to play hide and seek in the library, but good luck hiding when you can’t find your plot!
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
  • I’m learning about electricity, but I can’t seem to find the current topic.
  • Why did the teacher get kicked out of class? Because he kept saying 'I’m going to teach you a lesson!'
  • I wanted to write a book about school, but it seemed like too much homework!
  • Why did the computer go to school? To improve its byte!
  • I wrote a book about procrastination; I’m still waiting to publish it.
  • I was going to write a history paper, but I ran out of time traveling!

Exam Puns

  • I told my friend I was studying for an exam. He said, 'Good luck, you’ll need it!'
  • Why did the student bring a broom to the exam? Because he swept it!
  • I was going to take an exam, but I couldn’t find my pencil; it was a real lead-losing situation!
  • I missed my math exam because I didn’t have any problems to solve.
  • Why was the math book unhappy? Because it had too many problems!
  • I heard the history exam was a real blast from the past!
  • Why did the student bring a ladder to the exam? To reach new heights!
  • I’m studying for a test on procrastination. I’ll start studying tomorrow.
  • Why did the computer go to the exam? To get its byte-sized knowledge!
  • I told my teacher I’d have all the answers to the exam. She said, 'That’s a tall claim!'
  • I didn’t study for my exam because I thought it was going to be a piece of cake!
  • I was going to write a test on chemistry, but I lost my elements.
  • Why did the student sit on his exam paper? He wanted to be the top of his class!
  • I wanted to ace my exam, but I felt like I was just going through the motions.
  • Why did the student bring string to the exam? To tie up loose ends!
  • I was going to take a math exam, but I got caught up in the numbers game.
  • Why was the student so calm during the exam? He had a lot of inner-peace!
  • I was going to study for the science exam, but I lost my focus!
  • Why did the teacher go to the beach before the exam? To catch some waves of knowledge!
  • I heard the geography exam was going to be a real trip!
  • I thought about studying for my exam, but I decided to just wing it!

Creative Writing Puns

  • I wanted to become a better writer, so I took a class in punctuation. It was a real period of growth!
  • I tried to write a story about a broken pencil, but it was just pointless.
  • Why did the writer break up with the thesaurus? She found it too repetitive!
  • I’m writing a horror story about a haunted typewriter. It’s a real spine-tingler!
  • My book about procrastination is coming along; I’ll finish it… eventually.
  • I wrote a story about a pencil that could write music. It was a real hit!
  • Why don’t writers ever get lost? They always have a plot!
  • I wanted to write a novel about an elevator, but it just kept going up and down!
  • I’m writing a mystery about a missing plot; it’s a real cliffhanger!
  • Why do writers love nature? Because it’s always a great place for a plot twist!
  • I wrote a book about gardening, but I couldn’t find the right plot!
  • I’m writing a story about an optimistic computer. It’s a byte of sunshine!
  • Why was the writer always calm? They knew how to keep their characters in check!
  • I was going to write a book about falling in love, but I couldn’t find the right angle.
  • Why did the author go broke? Because they lost their plot!
  • I’m writing a rom-com about a pencil and a pen; it’s bound to be a bestseller!
  • I wanted to write a book about the ocean, but I couldn’t find the right depth.
  • Why did the writer bring a ladder? To reach new heights in creativity!
  • I thought about writing a book on procrastination, but I’ll start it tomorrow.
  • I wrote a novel about a snail; it was a slow burn story!
  • I’m writing a guide on how to write poetry. It’s a real verse of inspiration!