Empire Puns

Roman Empire Puns

  • I can’t believe it’s not butter, it’s just olive oil! They had it in Rome.
  • When in Rome, do as the Romans do... and bring pizza!
  • Why did the Roman chicken cross the road? To get to the other forum.
  • The Roman architect was great at building bridges; he really knew how to span the gap.
  • When the Romans played hide and seek, they always said, 'I’ll be back!'
  • Why was the Roman Empire so great? They had a lot of 'aqua' duct tape!
  • I wanted to become a gladiator, but I couldn’t find a good arena!
  • The Roman soldier loved his job; he really had a sword to protect!
  • Why did the Roman senator never get lost? He had a great sense of direction!
  • I told my friend I was going to build a Colosseum, but he said it was a 'dome' idea!
  • Why did the Romans always bring a pencil to battle? To draw their swords!
  • I heard the Romans invented the calendar, but they could never find a date!
  • Why did the Roman soldier break up with his girlfriend? She was too much of a 'drama' queen!
  • The Roman baker always knew how to raise his dough.
  • I tried to join the Roman army, but they said I lacked 'courage' and 'bravery'!
  • Why was the Roman Empire so wealthy? They had a lot of 'interest' in tax!
  • The Roman poet was so good, he really knew how to 'verse' his thoughts!
  • Why did Julius Caesar always carry a pencil? In case he needed to draw a line!
  • The Roman historian wrote a book on time travel, but it was a bit 'chronically' confusing!
  • Why did the Roman gladiator always bring a ladder? To reach new heights in the arena!
  • I asked a Roman how to get to the forum, and he said, 'Just follow the 'path' of least resistance!'

British Empire Puns

  • The British Empire had a great tea party, but the biscuits crumbled under pressure!
  • Why did the British Empire love sailing? They found it quite 'ship-shape'!
  • I tried to tell my friend a joke about the British Empire, but it fell flat like a crumpet!
  • What did the British soldier say to the tea? 'You’re brewtiful!'
  • Why was the British Empire's currency always happy? Because it had a lot of 'pound' signs!
  • I wanted to start a British Empire-themed bakery, but I couldn't find the right 'scone'!
  • Why did the British Empire like chess? It was a great way to check their mates!
  • I heard the British Empire had a great sense of humor; they always 'pun' before noon!
  • Why did the British Empire love gardening? They knew how to grow an 'empire' of flowers!
  • The British Empire's favorite game is Monopoly; they always want to own 'Boardwalk'!
  • I told my friend I was joining the British Empire, but he said I should 'watch my tea'!
  • Why was the British Empire always so polite? They knew how to 'queue' up for success!
  • The British Empire's favorite movie? 'Tea' and 'Sympathy'!
  • Why did the British Empire always win at poker? They had a good 'royal' flush!
  • I tried to write a song about the British Empire, but it just didn't have the right 'tune'!
  • Why was the British Empire a great chef? They knew how to whip up a proper 'stew'!
  • The British Empire always had a plan; they were good at 'Empire-ing' their resources!
  • What did the British Empire say at the party? 'Let’s keep it 'crown' and 'country'!'
  • The British Empire's favorite drink? 'Tea-rrific' punch!
  • Why did the British Empire start a band? They wanted to make some 'royal' noise!
  • I asked the British Empire for advice, and they said, 'Just keep calm and carry on!'

Ottoman Empire Puns

  • Why did the Ottoman Empire love tea? Because they couldn't resist a good 'brew'!
  • The Ottoman Empire had the best carpets; they really knew how to 'weave' a good tale!
  • Why was the Sultan always cool? He knew how to keep his 'harem' in check!
  • I tried to join the Ottoman army, but they said I wasn't 'sultanic' enough!
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire excel in architecture? They really knew how to 'dome' it right!
  • I asked the Ottoman Empire for advice on cooking, and they said, 'Just spice it up!'
  • What did the Ottoman soldier say to his friend? 'You’re looking quite 'sultanic' today!'
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire love music? They were always looking for a good 'tune' to conquer!
  • I tried to sell my art to the Ottoman Empire, but they said it was a bit 'baroque'!
  • Why did the Ottomans excel at diplomacy? They knew how to 'negotiate' a good deal!
  • The Ottoman Empire's favorite dance? The 'Sultanic' shuffle!
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire never get lost? They always had a good 'sense of direction'!
  • I asked an Ottoman how to relax, and they said, 'Just take a 'hammam' break!'
  • What did the Ottoman say at the bakery? 'I knead some bread!'
  • Why was the Ottoman Empire so great at storytelling? They had a lot of 'sultan' tales!
  • The Ottoman Empire loved sports; they were always playing 'sultan' ball!
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire bring a ladder to the bar? To reach for the high 'spirits'!
  • What’s the Ottoman Empire’s favorite dessert? 'Baklava' you believe it!
  • I wanted to start a fashion line inspired by the Ottomans, but I couldn't find the right 'fabric'!
  • Why did the Ottoman Empire love puzzles? They were great at fitting the 'pieces' together!
  • The Ottoman Empire's favorite game? 'Sultanic' chess!

Mongol Empire Puns

  • Why did Genghis Khan always carry a pen? In case he needed to draw his sword!
  • The Mongol Empire loved horseback riding; they were always 'galloping' to success!
  • What did the Mongol say to his horse? 'You really 'mane' it for me!'
  • Why was the Mongol Empire so good at archery? They really knew how to 'aim' high!
  • I tried to start a business with the Mongols, but they said I was 'too soft'!
  • Why did the Mongol Empire love the winter? Because they were great at 'chilling' out!
  • What’s a Mongol’s favorite type of comedy? 'Horseplay'!
  • Why did the Mongol Empire excel at trading? They knew how to 'barter' with the best!
  • I told my friend I wanted to join the Mongol Empire, but he said it was a 'horse' of a different color!
  • Why did the Mongol always carry a map? He didn't want to get 'lost in translation'!
  • What did the Mongol warrior say after a successful raid? 'That was 'un-fore-told'!'
  • Why did the Mongol Empire love music? They had a great 'tune' for victory!
  • I asked a Mongol how to stay fit, and he said, 'Just saddle up and ride!'
  • What did the Mongol say to his team? 'Let’s 'conquer' this game!'
  • Why was the Mongol Empire great at networking? They knew how to 'gather' allies!
  • The Mongol Empire's favorite drink? 'Kombucha' for the win!
  • What did the Mongol say at the party? 'Let's 'horse' around!'
  • Why did the Mongol Empire always win at cards? They had a great 'deck' of strategies!
  • What did the Mongol warrior say to his foe? 'Prepare for a 'riding' challenge!'
  • Why did the Mongol Empire love nature? They really knew how to 'horse' it up!
  • I asked a Mongol for advice on traveling, and he said, 'Just go with the flow!'

Persian Empire Puns

  • Why did the Persian Empire love gardening? They had a knack for 'cultivating' greatness!
  • What did the Persian say to his date? 'You're quite 'persian' to my heart!'
  • The Persian Empire had the best rugs; they really knew how to 'weave' their magic!
  • Why did the Persian Empire excel at poetry? They had a way with 'words' of wisdom!
  • What did the Persian say when he won a race? 'I ran like the wind, but with a 'carpet' ride!'
  • Why was the Persian Empire so good at cooking? They always had the right 'spices' for success!
  • What did the Persian king say when he conquered a new land? 'That's 'royal' business!'
  • Why did the Persian Empire love philosophy? They enjoyed 'thinking' outside the box!
  • What’s a Persian’s favorite dessert? 'Baklava' of course!
  • Why did the Persian always carry a mirror? To reflect on his 'beauty'!
  • What did the Persian say at the art gallery? 'This is quite a 'masterpiece'!'
  • The Persian Empire loved festivals; they really knew how to 'celebrate' life!
  • Why did the Persian Empire start a band? To get in 'tune' with the times!
  • What did the Persian say about his new clothes? 'These are 'fit' for a king!'
  • Why did the Persian Empire have great architecture? They really knew how to 'build' their dreams!
  • What did the Persian warrior say to his team? 'Let’s 'conquer' the competition!'
  • Why was the Persian Empire always happy? They had a 'carpet' full of joy!
  • What did the Persian poet say at the cafe? 'Let's sip tea and talk 'verses'!'
  • Why did the Persian trader always win at bargaining? He had a way with 'deals'!
  • What did the Persian say at the dance? 'Let’s 'twirl' in style!'
  • Why was the Persian Empire great at hosting? They always had a 'royal' touch!