Bird Puns

Feathered Friends

  • I'm not a bird, but I can definitely wing it!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to play basketball? A foul shooter!
  • Why do birds fly south in the winter? Because it's too far to walk!
  • I told my friend I was going to start a bird watching club, but they said it would be a tweet!
  • Why did the bird sit on the computer? It wanted to keep an eye on its tweets!
  • What do you call a bird that can’t stop singing? A tune-owl!
  • What did the robin say to the worm? 'It's been a long time since I saw you!'
  • Why did the seagull fly over the bay? Because if it flew over the ocean, it would be a bagel!
  • What do you get when you cross a bird with a comedian? A joke-sparrow!
  • Why do flamingos always stand on one leg? Because if they lifted the other, they would fall!
  • What’s a bird’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good tweet!
  • Why did the crow sit on the telephone wire? It wanted to make a long-distance call!
  • What do you call a bird that’s great at math? A math-owl!
  • Why don’t birds use social media? They already have their own tweets!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to gamble? A poker bird!
  • Why was the parrot so good at grammar? It had perfect punctuation!
  • What do you get when you cross a bird with a lawn mower? Shredded tweet!
  • Why did the chicken join a band? Because it had the drumsticks!
  • What do you call a bird that flies over the sea? A seagull!
  • What did the duck say to the bartender? 'Put it on my bill!'
  • Why was the turkey in the pop group? Because it was a drumstick!
  • What do you call a bird that gets lost? A feather-brained!

Birds and Food

  • Why did the chicken go to the chef? To get its eggs scrambled!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to cook? A chef-bird!
  • Why did the duck get a chef's hat? Because it was quacking up the recipes!
  • What does a bird like to eat for breakfast? Egg-sactly what it wants!
  • Why did the turkey sit on the egg? Because it wanted to hatch a plan!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to bake? A pie-lot!
  • Why did the owl get a job at the bakery? It wanted to make some dough!
  • What is a bird’s favorite dessert? Tweet-tarts!
  • Why did the chicken get a promotion? It was egg-cellent at its job!
  • What did the parrot say when it tasted the fruit? 'This is berry good!'
  • Why did the bird order a salad? It wanted to eat light and avoid the fowl play!
  • What do you call a bird that’s a great chef? A culinary eagle!
  • Why did the chicken join the cooking class? To learn how to egg-cel!
  • What do you call a bird that makes sandwiches? A sub-bird!
  • Why do birds love fast food? Because they can't resist a good wing!
  • What kind of fruit do birds love the most? Tweet-berries!
  • Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the egg-press lane!
  • What do you call a bird that loves pizza? A pepperoni parrot!
  • Why do birds love to dine out? They enjoy a good peck and a snack!
  • What type of pasta do birds like? Fettuccine al-fowl!
  • Why did the bird get a cooking show? It wanted to show off its egg-citing recipes!
  • What did the eagle say to the chef? 'I’m ready to soar with flavor!'

Birds and Nature

  • What did one bird say to the other in the tree? 'Let's branch out!'
  • Why did the bird join the gardening club? It wanted to get to the root of the problem!
  • What do you call a bird that loves nature walks? A trail-hawk!
  • Why do birds make great gardeners? They know how to tweet the soil!
  • What did the sparrow say when it saw the sunset? 'That's an egg-ceptional view!'
  • What do you call a bird that enjoys hiking? A peak-a-boo!
  • Why did the bird sit on the branch? It thought it looked a little shady!
  • What do you call a bird that’s great at yoga? A stretch-owl!
  • Why do birds love the forest? They can always find their nest-egg!
  • What’s a bird’s favorite exercise? Wing-lifting!
  • Why did the bird get a sunburn? It forgot to wear its feather-block!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to travel? A globe-tweeter!
  • Why do birds enjoy the rain? It’s a great way to wash their feathers!
  • What do you call a bird that enjoys camping? A tent-tweet!
  • Why did the bird go to the beach? To catch some rays and do a little sand-surfing!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to swim? A duck-tor!
  • Why do birds get lost in the woods? They can’t find their way back to the tweet-ture!
  • What do you call a bird that loves the mountains? A peak-owl!
  • Why do birds love to sing in the morning? It’s their way of greeting the day with a chirp!
  • What do you call a bird that enjoys stargazing? A night-owl!
  • Why did the canary join the choir? It wanted to sing its heart out in nature!
  • What do you call a bird that’s a great navigator? A map-owl!

Birds and Humor

  • What do you call a funny bird? A pun-owl!
  • Why did the bird get a ticket? For illegal tweeting!
  • What did the bird say when it was late? 'I got caught in a feather-breeze!'
  • Why did the turkey get invited to every party? Because it was always the life of the feast!
  • What do you call a bird that tells jokes? A comedi-hawk!
  • Why did the crow bring a ladder? To reach new heights in humor!
  • What’s a bird’s favorite comedy show? The Feather Report!
  • Why did the bird get kicked out of the comedy club? It was too fowl!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to dance? A boogie-woogie-bird!
  • Why did the parrot get a job as a stand-up comedian? It wanted to get the crowd chirping!
  • What did the duck say when it told a joke? 'Quack me up!'
  • Why was the feather so funny? It always had a punchline!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to play pranks? A jokester jay!
  • Why did the chicken sit on the egg? Because it was egg-cited for the punchline!
  • What do you call a bird that delivers news? A scoop-hawk!
  • Why did the bird refuse to go to therapy? It didn’t want to wing it!
  • What do you call a bird that’s a great storyteller? A tale-teller tern!
  • Why did the penguin start a podcast? To share its cool views!
  • What did the bird say during the comedy show? 'I’m just here for the laughs!'
  • Why do birds make terrible secret agents? They always tweet about their missions!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to gossip? A rumor-owl!
  • Why did the bird join an improv group? It wanted to learn how to wing it!

Birds in Pop Culture

  • What's a bird's favorite movie? The Birdcage!
  • What do you call a bird superhero? Captain Feather!
  • Why did the chicken go to the movie theater? To see the latest egg-splosion!
  • What do you call a bird that loves music? A rock-and-roll parrot!
  • Why did the owl become a DJ? It wanted to spin some great tunes!
  • What’s a bird’s favorite TV show? Game of Crows!
  • Why did the parrot get a movie role? It was great at playing a feathered character!
  • What do you call a bird that plays the piano? A key-bird!
  • What’s a bird’s favorite musical? The Sound of Music!
  • Why did the flamingo get into fashion? It wanted to strut its stuff!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to read? A novel-owl!
  • Why did the crow audition for a play? It wanted to be the lead in 'The Birdcage'!
  • What do you call a bird that can sing like a pop star? A tweet-heart!
  • Why did the ostrich become a comedian? It had a great sense of humor!
  • What’s a bird’s favorite video game? Angry Birds!
  • Why did the bird get a recording contract? It had the voice of an angel!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to write? A quill-owl!
  • Why did the duck start a YouTube channel? To share its quack-tastic adventures!
  • What do you call a bird that loves to dance? A boogie-bird!
  • Why did the bird become a fashion icon? It knew how to feather its nest with style!
  • What’s a bird’s favorite genre of music? Anything that’s tweet-worthy!
  • Why did the parrot join a band? It wanted to be a rock star!